“I came to Mission College to learn how to share my faith with others. While going through the program I did learn how to witness for Christ but, more importantly, I learned how to keep Jesus Christ in my heart.”
– Fadia Benjamin, Chicago, IL
“At Mission College I realized that the message of the remnant church is alive and that we serve a living God, not a dead religion. I also learned that to keep Christ alive in my life I need to share Him with others. I have found no greater joy than being able to introduce others to Christ.”
– Todd Casey, New Brunswick, Canada
“I was raised as an Adventist but it wasn’t until I came to Mission College that everything (beliefs, practical application of beliefs, and sharing through witnessing) was drawn together into a cohesive whole. I was effectively trained to preach the end-time gospel. I’ve grown more during my time at Mission College than in any other span in my life. Before coming to the Applied Ministries program I was in the middle of obtaining a bachelors degree. Putting that on hold to come to Mission College was the best decision I have ever made in my life.”
– Tom Albrecht, Bowling Green, OH
“I learned to have a real Christian experience that could be lived out in practical life.”
– Chad Kreuzer, Grand Rapids, MI
“At Mission College of Evangelism I have met teachers and staff who are totally committed to Jesus. I have spent time with fellow students who are growing in Christ. During the time I spent at Mission College I have grown as never before. My walk with Christ has been strengthened by sharing Him with those who don’t know Him. Being a witness for Him has helped me grow and learn to overcome.”
– Michael Mattzela, Cadillac, MI
“There are three main things that I learned during my experience at Mission College. First, everyone is called to share the message of a crucified, risen and soon coming Saviour. Second, everyone has a testimony to share – even if you grew up in the church as I did, you still have a story to tell about how God has led in your life. Lastly, evangelism is not an event, not a one time thing, but a lifestyle.”
– Jacqueline Shelley, Breckenridge, MI
“Mission College gave me a wonderful sense of duty and responsibility. The course offers many principles to aid in study, sharing, and loving. I came away with the need to be better acquainted with people, my Bible, and my Saviour. The Applied Ministries program is an investment of a lifetime with results that ripple through eternity. God really helped me to re-focus my priorities while I was at Mission College.”
– Russell Murnighan, Portland, OR