Mission College of Evangelism was started for the purpose of training individuals, in a short time, to be effective witnesses for God. Our flagship program is the 3-½ month Applied Ministries course commonly called the “evangelism program.” During this intense course we will train you in all aspects of public and personal evangelism. We accomplish this by having two segments of the program, theoretical and practical.
For the theoretical part we have college classes five days a week. During these classes you will study the theory of evangelism from a Bible based standpoint. Evangelism is only effective when you have a solid foundation to “evangelize” from. To ensure that you have that solid foundation you will also have classes that will cover a variety of Biblical topics in-depth. Some of the classes you will take are Bible doctrines, Daniel and the Revelation, Spirit of Prophecy, and Health. These classes give you an opportunity to know from the Bible what the Seventh-day Adventist church believes.
While it is important to have theoretical knowledge of a topic, that knowledge is only truly useful when put into practice. In the practical part of the program you will have the opportunity to go out into surrounding communities and practice what you have learned. Beginning in the second or third week of the program you will go on outreach at least two days a week. During outreach you will be knocking on doors and giving Bible studies to people in the community. The prospect of knocking on a strangers door sounds intimidating to many people, but the things you have learned in the classes will help you feel confidant about sharing your faith with others. You will also have the opportunity to go to the doors with experienced Bible workers who can help you improve your witnessing skills.
These community outreach efforts are in preparation for the 3-4 week public evangelistic series that we hold during each class. Leading into the evangelistic meetings students will apply their training from health class by assisting in various health evangelism programs such as health fairs, stop smoking clinics, cooking classes, etc.
The evangelistic meetings are the most exciting part of the program, with students taking part in many different facets that are needed to run an effective evangelistic program. From greeting to the children’s program to the prayer room to health presentations at the meetings, the students will get a behind-the-scenes view of how an evangelistic meeting is run. The high point for all is seeing those who they have been studying with in the homes come to the evangelistic meetings and make decisions for Christ.
Mission College of Evangelism offers a well rounded and balanced view of Bible based evangelism. Graduates will have received the classroom instruction that covers both the theory of evangelism and the Biblical foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist church. They will have had the opportunity to put what they have learned into practice in many ways; door-to-door work, health evangelism, and the public evangelistic meeting. By putting into practice what has been taught and sharing what they believe, graduates of Mission College will have learned in just a few months things that otherwise would have taken several years to comprehend.
Whether returning to a regular job and being active in their local church or going into full time ministry the graduate of the Mission College of Evangelism program is well equiped to effectively share Jesus Christ with a world in need.